Super Troopers 2
Mac and his friends have been hanging around with odd jobs since they were fired from the Vermont police force. Following a dispute on the borders between the United States and Canada, the inhabitants of a small town in Québec must be convinced that they have become citizens of the United States. Mac and his people think about it, hired again for the occasion.
When the inevitable cameo of comedians of the past passes by the protagonists of American Pie and Scary Movie (where such an honor once belonged to Monty Python or National Lampoon’s), the decline suffered by American comedy in recent decades becomes of immediate reading.
The most instinctive and trivial comedy triumphed, adapting to an increasingly lazy audience intellectually, serving him some more of the usual dish with generous doses of superfluous fuss and scurrility. Despite this, the opening sequence of Super Troopers 2 – with the aforementioned cameos – remains the best of the film, in line with its predecessor, ascended to cult especially for the fulminant incipit.
Super Troopers was released in 2001, ignored by most, to become a word of mouth phenomenon in the following years. An attempt to revive the glories of National Lampoon’s comedy, conceived by an unlikely group of non-actors with surprising chemistry. A cult such as to unleash, 15 years later, a crowdsourcing that has grabbed 4 million dollars and has forced the elderly protagonists to take back their jackets and hats to create a new episode. The feeling of a reunion born more by the will of the fans than by a creative inspiration, however, accompanies every minute of the film, which proceeds in tears revisiting the same themes of the time with less grip. Blame the registry disadvantage, a humor that smacks of obsolescence, or simply a lack of ideas. Lost the surprise effect, the homophobic and misogynistic jokes remain, the references to Friends, to the critic A.O. Scott or The Fantastic Story and teased the Canadians about their accent and habits, which increase the localism and untranslatability of the whole.