A tv series directed by Sergio Mimica-Gezzan, known for having directed the Battlestar Galactica, on the history of the family of bankers dominated Florence in the course of the 14th century...
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An action-comedy featuring two passionate yoga highschools who will fight against an ancient evil presence that threatens their participation in a party...
Read More ...The enterprising Ryder and his band are an unbeatable team because “nothing is scary for a brave puppy”...
Read More ...A group of friends, while on vacation in an island, takes part in the creation of a new drug that loses control of their instincts...
Read More ...It is 1933 and the consequences of the Great Depression are still felt. London is one of the many workers who spent all he had to reach an apple field, along with her pregnant daughter and dairy. On his arrival, however, the landlord dims the agreed wage, from two dollars to a dollar a day, a figure that makes life impossible. Mac and the newcomer Jim are party activists (Marxist-Leninist), ready to infiltrate the gatherers to persuade them to strike and refuse the lack of rights and abuses they are undergoing...
Read More ...Naomi Bishop is an investment banking expert and fights to get a boost in the competitive Wall Street world...
Read More ...Based on a screenplay by Alex Rubens and Peele, the film tells the story of two cousins (Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele) who crazy after knowing the abduction of their adorable kitten named Keanu...
Read More ...Comedy tells the world of sports mascots and the competition that characterizes it, focusing on the most prestigious award in this field: the Gold Fluffy...
Read More ...Grantham, Virginia. In the basement of a home theater of a mysterious duplicate murder is also found the corpse of a young woman. Nobody knows who he is and therefore is called Jane Doe, generic name. The lawyer Tommy Tilden, assisted by his son Austin, is commissioned to carry out the autopsy of Jane Doe to identify the causes of death, which are unknown. The body is in perfect condition, without any obvious signs of wounds or bruising. So what did he kill the girl? This is the mystery that father and son have to reveal through the autopsy. Wrists and ankles are fractured, gray eyes, tongue discolored. A fly also comes out of Jane’s nose. The more the analysis proceeds, the more mystery is clothed in a climate of horror that can only lead to real horror...
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