The adaptation of the first book of the trilogy written by Patrick Ness, known as ‘Chaos Walking’. The story is set in a dystopian future where humans have colonized a distant planet similar to the earth. When an infection called ‘Noise’ makes everyone’s thoughts audible, privacy disappears in an instant. In chaos, a corrupt autocrat threatens to seize control of the colony and declare war on the indigenous alien race...
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Hellboy arrives in England, where he has to defeat Nimue, wife of Merlin and Queen of the Blood. But their battle could lead to the end of the world, a fate that Hellboy desperately tries to avoid...
Read More ...Created by McFarlane in 1992, and distributed by Image Comics, Spawn is the story of All Simmons, a killer of American intelligence services killed by the CIA and returned to Earth thanks to a pact with the evil malebolgia demon. Spawn is a very powerful being, whose body is composed of a self-regenerating substance called necroplasma...
Read More ...The second chapter of the new Terminator trilogy, started with Terminator: Genisys by Alan Taylor...
Read More ...After the success of the live-action transposition of “Il libro della jungle”, Jon Favreau realizes, with the same technique, The Lion King...
Read More ...As born of a rib in the X-Men film series, The New Mutants will be a small step in a sort of shared sub-universe. In the already coherent and well-structured world of Marvel cinefumetti, in fact, the X-Men films are creating their own neighborhood, a sub-series of films that are divided between those of the main series, Deadpool and the upcoming X-Force and the New Mutants, all capable to dialogue with each other by sharing characters and subplots...
Read More ...After the box office hit of the first film, which totaled $ 103 million in the first weekend, Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros...
Read More ...The young Billy Batson discovers he has the powers of the wizard Shazam to fight against the forces of evil...
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