Set between the popular houses and palaces of the Gilded Age New York, the Carr’s novel tells the story of Dr...
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Girls Trip begins when four friends embark on a journey to New Orleans to attend an annual festival. The trip seems crazy rekindle the dormant spirits, bringing out the wild side of each of them...
Read More ...A film on the assassination in the Boston Marathon in 2013 which tells the story of Jeff Bauman, one of the survivors...
Read More ...An irascible old man (Frank Langella) is the son of the passenger (Billy Crudup) on a journey through the country in which the man is trying to convince the old man not to proceed with the legal euthanasia...
Read More ...A new chapter on the adventures of the Barden Bellas. Director was called the actress Elizabeth Banks but had to give up because of too many commitments...
Read More ...Susan Carpenter is a single mother of two children, Henry and the younger brother Peter. Henry has a crush on Christina, the daughter of police commissioner who hides a terrible secret. Henry, to help Christina, decides to write a book which reveals the plan to help the girl to escape...
Read More ...Tiny Tim, a child of seven, is awaiting the arrival of his younger brother. When the baby is born, Tim soon becomes clear that the child is not like everyone else but is actually a spy sent by the agency Baby Corp. to investigate a conspiracy hatched by PuppyCo., Which would replace all the children with the puppies. The two brothers, although very different from each other, will have to work together and be strong each other to save the parents who have been kidnapped...
Read More ...The film version of CHiPS cult TV series, which aired in America from 1977 to 1983, having as its protagonists two police officers patrolling the highways of California aboard their bikes...
Read More ...Paid a million dollars by Universal, the Gary Spinelli script tells the story of Barry Seal, an Arkansas pilot who in the eighties was trafficker in guns and drugs. Barry Seal was transporting contraband for the CIA and the Medellin cartel...
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