The film is set in Canada, Niagara Falls, on July 4, 1996. Shortly after midnight, crossing the city park after the evening’s festivities, Teena Maguire and twelve year old daughter Bethel are attacked by a group of boys. While the woman undergoes a brutal sexual assault, the girl manages to hide and to save themselves. Teena ends up in a coma and as soon as he recovers begins to fight for justice but the culprits are acquitted...
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Paid a million dollars by Universal, the Gary Spinelli script tells the story of Barry Seal, an Arkansas pilot who in the eighties was trafficker in guns and drugs. Barry Seal was transporting contraband for the CIA and the Medellin cartel...
Read More ...The film tells of a former Wall Street man (Grillo) who is enlisted by the Secretary of the Treasury to counter a cyber attack that threatens to destroy the American economy...
Read More ...Adaptation of the novel “Firing Point”, the film follows a team of Navy Seals with a mission to stop a renegade admiral who wants to make a coup...
Read More ...A global pandemic unprecedented was the cause for the evolution of a new species. An aggressive form of anger turns the infected into predators, addicted to violence...
Read More ...Maya is a former special operations pilot. One day her husband was assassinated and two weeks later he sees his daughter play just with him...
Read More ...A colonel of the special forces came home from the Middle East after going on leave forever. Soon he realizes that his hometown was disintegrated by a degenerated and violent world led by murderers and narco-terrorists. After a brief reflection decides to sneak this in this world shade and do what he does best...
Read More ...A man stands holding a fortune and decides to leave everything and everyone, including his family. The escape from his old life will go well until the man will find himself in the middle of the desert...
Read More ...A group of Navy SEALs tries to solve a mystery long forgotten as he uncovers an immense treasure hidden in a lake of Serbia devastated by war...
Read More ...In Berlin in 2055 a mute bartender looking for his girlfriend who has been kidnapped...
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