Directed by Guy Ritchie and written by John August, the film is played by Will Smith in the role of the Genius with the power to grant three wishes for anyone who comes into possession of his magic lamp. Mena Massoud is Aladdin, the unfortunate but adorable street boy in love with the beautiful daughter of the Sultan, Princess Jasmine, played by Naomi Scott, who wants to freely choose how to live her life...
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The adaptation of the first book of the trilogy written by Patrick Ness, known as ‘Chaos Walking’. The story is set in a dystopian future where humans have colonized a distant planet similar to the earth. When an infection called ‘Noise’ makes everyone’s thoughts audible, privacy disappears in an instant. In chaos, a corrupt autocrat threatens to seize control of the colony and declare war on the indigenous alien race...
Read More ...Hellboy arrives in England, where he has to defeat Nimue, wife of Merlin and Queen of the Blood. But their battle could lead to the end of the world, a fate that Hellboy desperately tries to avoid...
Read More ...After the box office hit of the first film, which totaled $ 103 million in the first weekend, Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros...
Read More ...After the success of The Beauty and the Beast and The Jungle Book, Walt Disney continues to refresh its classics. The remake of Dumbo, directed by Tim Burton with Colin Farrell, Danny DeVito, Michael Keaton and Eva Green, is scheduled for 2019...
Read More ...Carol Danvers will become one of the most powerful heroes on Earth when his life finds itself in the middle of a galactic war between two alien races: the Kree and the Skrull. We know that this conflict will also involve our planet, where some Kree live in secret, under a terrestrial name, probably to counteract the Skrulls on Earth, which as a shapeshifter do not have problems to look human...
Read More ...Vampires are now in the background, so a group of documentaries decide to spend some time with them to see if coexistence between them and humans is really possible...
Read More ...Established ten years after the X-Men: Apocalypse, the film features the presence of villain Lilandra, Empress of the Shi’ar Empire, an alien race in search of the Phoenix to steal its power...
Read More ...The film adaptation of the fantasy romance for kids written by Philip Reeve. The film, written by Peter Jackson, is set in a remote future, where Tom, a young historical apprentice, is in a desert world...
Read More ...In a dystopian future, a disease spread throughout America kills 98% of children. The very few survivors develop super powers and are therefore interned in concentration camps...
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