Established ten years after the X-Men: Apocalypse, the film features the presence of villain Lilandra, Empress of the Shi’ar Empire, an alien race in search of the Phoenix to steal its power...
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Philip Lacasse is a billionaire on Park Avenue who has been paralyzed after a serious accident. Dell, on the other hand, is a small criminal who has just returned to freedom and desperate search for a job. When Dell takes over from Philip, an unexpected friendship arises...
Read More ...Mavis makes a surprise at Dracula, giving the whole family a trip on the luxurious cruise ship Cruise Ship. The father can thus take a little deserved rest. Their group of friends also decides to follow them on this cruise. Once on board Dracula remains very fascinated by the mysterious captain Ericka. It will be Mavis this time to make the part of the hyperpotriva, trying to keep the two lovers far away...
Read More ...Johnny English has a new mission to accomplish: once again he will have to save the world...
Read More ...After using all the savings of a lifetime to enter a tournament, the Harler Classic Rucker, Dax has to face a number of issues that have to do with an old rival...
Read More ...Michael is an insurance vendor. A stranger contacts him and forces him to discover the identity of a passenger hiding on the train he takes every day...
Read More ...The film is derived from a classical tale of the kind, and follows the story of teenager Meg Murray, his brilliant five-year-old brother and a classmate who goes on a journey through the universe to save his missing science fathers ...
Read More ...Given: It’s always Walt Disney’s time, for nearly a century. London is organizing the production of Mary Poppins Returns, the film remake of 1965. A brief retrospective is indispensable. First assumption: we are all children of Walt Disney. The genius and strength of his inventions have profoundly affected the character, the sentimental and cultural formation, and also the aesthetics of many generations. The models were always positive and benevolent, reassuring and useful. We need a Treccani for an analysis, I’m limited to the vertices, all well in our memory...
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