Shaft is an action comedy that follows the 2000 film (starring Samuel L. Jackson) and the 1971 film (starring Richard Roundtree). In this part, The FJ analyst, known as John Shaft Jr. who wants to discover the truth about the death of his best friend. He returns to his father a private detective John Shaft, as well as his grandfather, the original detective John Shaft , to navigate Harlem’s dark underground...
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Dani (Pugh) and Christian (Reynor) are a couple who have been together for about 4 years, but Christian is close to giving up the relationship...
Read More ...Anthological Tv series inspired by the article of the online newspaper Buzzfeed entitled “Dee Dee wanted her daughter to be sick, Gypsy wanted her mother killed...
Read More ...Both Rio and Sara are traumatised by the violence they have experienced, and Rio is afraid to run and not know who to trust. When she meets Billy The Kid, Rio is both frightened and excited by Billy’s scandal, which Billy cleverly tries to manipulate for his own ends. Later, when he meets Sheriff Garrett, We see how he is finally offered Rio a choice to embrace the life of a bandit or lead a righteous life...
Read More ...“A Madea Family Funeral” fuels very funny moments from the way black people attend services at home. Wearing a giant church hat that looks borrowed from the Wicked Witch , Madea leads the funeral as an orchestra at the Oscars...
Read More ...The film tells the story of a young agent investigating money laundering, whose family struggles to make ends meet...
Read More ...Growing up in total isolation in the most remote forests of Eastern Europe, Hanna (Esme Creed-Miles) spent her entire childhood training to fight and defend herself from those who hunt her and her father, Erik Heller (Joel Kinnaman), a mercenary. His survival skills have the opportunity to be tested when Hanna and her father have to part with the discovery of their cover by a corrupt CIA agent, Marissa Wiegler (Mireille Enos), and her team. Hanna has no choice, she must begin a dangerous solo journey across Europe in an attempt to rejoin her father and at the same time escape and free herself from the dangerous agents who have pointed them...
Read More ...Flarsky is a man victim of life’s adversities. He cannot face the daily obstacles and has a self-destructive attitude. One day he decides to conquer the woman he is in love with since adolescence: his babysitter...
Read More ...A young girl, Hannah Grace, is exorcised by a couple of priests, in the presence of her father, because possessed by evil spirits. The outcome of the exorcism is tragic: the priests are killed and the father, in turn, kills Hannah, desperate. Three months later, Megan Reed, a former policeman who has left the service due to problems, takes service for the night shift to the morgue of a large hospital, the Boston Metro Hospital. Dr. Lewis who takes her to the workplace warns her that a lot of emotional people had to leave him because he did not hold it, but Megan assures that for her when one dies, she just dies. End of the story...
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