Two brothers into the forests for a hunting trip...
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Treat by Jay Asher bestseller, the Netflix original series Thirteen tells the story of Clay Jensen (Dylan Minnette), a boy returning from school located on the doorstep of a mysterious box with his name on it. The box turns of tapes recorded by Hannah Baker, a classmate for whom he had a crush on and who committed suicide two weeks earlier. In the recordings, Hannah explains the thirteen reasons that led her to take her own life...
Read More ...The film tells a story set in Indochina in 1959, a land beyond every rule, of a time without mercy, where a legend was born...
Read More ...Three families compete for a place on the campsite during the busy 4th of July weekend...
Read More ...L`emotivamente proven Amanda and Lily dismissive, girlfriends back after years of misunderstandings and judgments. When the cold stepfather Lily, Mark, conspires to send the daughter to reform school rather than college of his dreams, Amanda impudent jokes about how suddenly appear to kill him turn into a tempting idea...
Read More ...Jake and his friends spend their time hanging out in the courtyards of their city or pool halls, talking about girls, getting drunk and watching porn. Jake, however, is gripped by a dark secret that the further and further away from the other and pushes it dangerously to isolate themselves more and more...
Read More ...After the events of Halloween – Resurrection Emma and her friends decide to go for a trip to Haddonfield to meet great grandmother Pamela Strode but Michael has again silenced everyone...
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