In a future war between the human race and the forces of artificial intelligence, Joshua (Washington), a former Special Forces agent mourning the disappearance of his wife (Chan), is recruited to hunt down and kill the Creator, the elusive architect of advanced AI who has developed a mysterious weapon with the power to end war…and humanity itself...
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The story follows the story of Allison (Florence Pugh), a young woman whose life is shattered when she survives a terrible accident and who tries to recover from an opioid addiction and unresolved grief...
Read More ...Thelma and Louis have everything for each other: she is a single mother who got pregnant at seventeen, he is a boy of twelve who has never met his father; she works in a warehouse and tries to keep up with her son’s education, he goes to school and gets lost in the small and big passions of her age. One of them is skateboarding, and just as he is on the board one day he gets hit by a van. Thus begins the journey, motionless, of Louis, who in a coma from a hospital bed tries to stay attached to his life...
Read More ...After moving into his childhood home with his girlfriend and son, a man investigates an incident related to his father at a local factory and uncovers dark family secrets...
Read More ...Years before becoming the tyrannical president of Panem, eighteen-year-old Coriolanus Snow is the last hope for the good name of his fading house: a proud family fallen on hard times in the postwar Capitol. As the tenth annual Hunger Games approaches, young Snow fears for his reputation as he is appointed mentor to Lucy Gray Baird, the tribute girl from miserable District 12. But when Lucy Gray magnetizes the entire nation of Panem by singing challenge at the harvest ceremony, Snow realizes it could turn the tide in his favor...
Read More ...The film tells the incredible story of how one of the most popular video games ever came to infect avid gamers around the world. Henk Rogers (Taron Egerton) discovers Tetris in 1988 and decides to bet everything on the video game by traveling to the Soviet Union, where he joins forces with its inventor Alexey Pajitnov (Nikita Efremov) to be able to bring it to the attention of the masses...
Read More ...In 1938, on Halloween evening, the Ratch family – dad, mom and aspiring dancer for the cinema – sneak under an assumed name to the first class dinner of the Queen Mary ocean liner, while traveling in third class...
Read More ...The incredible true story of a former government agent turned vigilante who embarks on a dangerous mission to save hundreds of children from sex traffickers...
Read More ...It is 1926, J. Robert Oppenheimer is a young physics student at the University of Cambridge and is so obsessed with listening to the lecture of guest professor Niels Bohr that, out of spite for the teacher who makes him late, he arrives at a very small step from making an irreparable gesture. It is 1954, Oppenheimer undergoes a series of private hearings where he tries to defend himself against accusations of communism, to maintain his access to the development of top secret projects. It is 1958, Lewis Strauss faces a public debate to prove his suitability as Eisenhower’s Secretary of Commerce, but in this circumstance his relationship with Oppenheimer is re-examined...
Read More ...The seductive Robert Freegard (James Norton) pretends to be an undercover secret agent of MI5, circumventing countless victims. His career as a con artist, however, hangs in the balance when Alice (Gemma Arterton), a woman initially in love with him, begins to harbor suspicions about his true identity...
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