A musical drama set in the seventies in New York created by Baz Luhrmann and Shawn Ryan. In New York on the verge of bankruptcy born hip-hop, punk and disco...
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The Crown The series tells the story of two of the most famous addresses in the world, Buckingham Palace and 10 Downing Street – and intrigues, love affairs and machinations behind the major events that shaped the second half of the twentieth century...
Read More ...Lorenzo is a teenager who arrives in Udine because adopted by a family after he had experienced previous negative experience of adoption. Lorenzo is openly gay. Blue is the daughter of the owner of a business and an aspiring writer. It has a reactive character because at school, and on the walls, is called ‘a slut’. Antonio is the son of a security guard and weighs on him the presence of his elder brother died in an accident. They ‘a skilled basketball player, but his teammates consider him a retard...
Read More ...The cub Mowgli the man he grew up with the pack of wolves and Akela mother Raksha, within the law of the jungle. When the water truce, however, Shere Khan the tiger back to look for him: she does not have respect for the other’s territory, and until he has all the wolves Mowgli will be in danger...
Read More ...For twelve years Louis, playwright said, is far from home. He locked the door behind him and has not looked back since. But now Louis is dying at home and we want to return. Embarked on the first plane, it falls within the family that awaits him between thoughtfulness and hysteria. Doorway welcomes him the embrace of Suzanne, the younger sister who has never seen it grow, Antoine, the elder brother who feels threatened by the return of his brother who had monopolized the attention of parents throughout his childhood, Catherine, the sister insecure and never known who expresses her stammering truth, the mother, all prepared at the return of a child never understood. Now that Louis came back she would like so much that things worked, that his children they found the words to say, but no one says and all they sentence...
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