A New York detective investigates the death of his daughter killed while on a honeymoon in London; recruit the help of a Scandinavian journalist when other couples across Europe suffer a similar fate...
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During the Second World War, Jo, a young shepherd, together with the widow Horcada, helps Jewish children to cross the border of southern France towards Spain...
Read More ...As he re-establishes relationships with his daughter, a man reflects on a love of lost youth and on the journey from Taiwan that brought him to America many years earlier...
Read More ...Leo wakes up in the New York studio where he lives alone following a divorce from his wife Rita. Suffering from a neurological disorder that reduces him to a catatonic presence, Leo receives the care of a caregiver and the visit of his daughter Molly, who puts aside the work to accompany his father to a series of medical visits...
Read More ...Lost on a mysterious island where there is no time and aging, Wendy will have to do everything to save her family, maintain her freedom and the joyful spirit of youth threatened by the mortal danger of having to grow up...
Read More ...Mouse desperately wants to join The Midnight Clique, the infamous Baltimore cyclists, leade of the summer roads...
Read More ...In the frozen and war-torn landscape of Poland occupied during World War II, a team of allied soldiers is sent on a deadly mission behind enemy lines to remove a missile scientist from the hands of the Nazis...
Read More ...If there are Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody and especially Bill Murray, then it can only be a film by Wes Anderson, which returns to theaters after the Grand Budapest Hotel. Set mainly in a French city, The French Dispatch tells the story over a long period of time of an editorial staff of an American newspaper. In an endless cast of stars the main role is of Frances McDormand for a film that wants to be a sort of love letter for the journalistic profession, as stated by the director himself...
Read More ...Grace Davies is one of the biggest pop stars in the world. Or, better, it certainly was: it is in fact a huge star, still adored by the public, but at the beginning of what appears to be a long – and relatively slow – decline, given his age. Too bad that the artist has a great desire not to resign himself to a disappearance and decides to unleash an effect rentrĂ©e with a lot of new album. This obviously translates into an exponential increase in the workload of Maggie, Grace’s personal assistant, who in theory would be an expert and gifted music producer in the fields of arrangement and composition but who finds herself having to please the singer in her every whim (or almost) and to act as her confidant, babysitter and reference...
Read More ...Before becoming one of the most famous mimes in the world by the name of Marcel Marceau, the young Marcel Mangel was an aspiring actor of Jewish origin who joined the French resistance to save the lives of thousands of children who were orphaned due to the Nazis. Marcel grows up in a Europe largely occupied by the Germans of the third Reich and has no intention of getting involved in the conflict and ending up at the front: he prefers to perform in burlesque clubs, paint the backdrops of his performances at the theater and quarrel when in when with your father...
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