The second chapter dedicated to Lt. Bill Cage’s adventures with a group of alien invaders who threaten the Earth...
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Jack Sparrow’s adventures continue in the sixth chapter of the saga that began in 2007 with the movie Pirates of the Caribbean – At the World Borders Gore Verbinski...
Read More ...Established ten years after the X-Men: Apocalypse, the film features the presence of villain Lilandra, Empress of the Shi’ar Empire, an alien race in search of the Phoenix to steal its power...
Read More ...Johnny English has a new mission to accomplish: once again he will have to save the world...
Read More ...The third chapter of the franchise inaugurated with Power Attack – Olympus Has Fallen and Power Attack 2...
Read More ...After the death of his father T’Chaka (in Captain America: Civil War), T’Challa, played by Chadwick Boseman, inherits the throne of the wicked African nation of Wakanda, but as history teaches successions are politically turbulent moments...
Read More ...We did not go along with the comparisons for the promotion of Aquaman. The first news from the production is about a research story, in the spirit of the predators of the lost arch and the pursuit of the green stone. Neither the news that came later was a different sign. Aquaman will be a shortcut to the DC shared universe. Shown for the first time in Batman vs Superman and then part of Justice League, the character played by Jason Momoa for the first dedicated film will probably unleash an unusual attitude to DC cinema. The great universe supervised by Zack Snyder has been noted for his mood, for some serious background that was not unknown to Batman by Christopher Nolan and which is on the other side of the cinematic spectrum compared to the Marvel Studios approach. Aquaman should instead distract or at least mitigate this component...
Read More ...Thomas, at the end of the previous film, was given a mission: to save his friends and companions captured by the WCKD (called Wicked as Malvagia) by Ava Paige and brought to the Last City. Among them, Theresa, who betrayed them all because, after retrieving memories prior to Radura, he was convinced that Wicked actually works fine and that finding a cure for humanity with the Flare virus is worth every sacrifice...
Read More ...The film is the spin-off of Ocean’s Eleven (already a remake of the 1960s movie, followed by two sequels): the story this time will be centered on a group of ladies – all women – led by Sandra Bullock who interprets the sister of Danny Ocean, intent on devising a plan to make a lot of money: steal a necklace from Met Ball to fit the ruthless owner of an art gallery...
Read More ...A Star Wars spin-off centered on the young Han Solo (in the film he will not be a child but his story will be told from his twenties)...
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