Veteran of the First World War, Joe Coughlin becomes a criminal in America of prohibition. Boston Police Chief’s son, repudiates the parent and good education to find his place in the war between Irish and Italian. Among champagne rivers, smoky clubs and bandits flying from the rooftops with their Borsalino, derives the first and ends up working for the second. Indecisive of his status, Joe is uncomfortable in the gangster’s shoes and reluctantly uses the gun, falls in love with Emma Gould, the boss of the boss who does not like him, punishes him and condemns him to death. To save him is the intervention of his father, who does not give discounts, delivering it to his men and to the prison. The punishment discounted the proposal of Maso Pescatore, mafia goddess who sends him to Tampa to smuggle alcohol. Once again in love, this time of local beauty, his business is hindered by Ku Klux Klan, the religious fanaticism of a young (and) woman and the patron saints of Fisherman. To earn a day’s life this time, you will have to put your arms on and embrace the law of the night.
After the classic robustness of Gone Baby Gone and Argo’s vintage success, through the powerful The Town, Ben Affleck finds Boston and the opaque universe of Dennis Lehane, which fits the homonymous novel by plunging the spectator into America’s Prohibition and the traces of a bandit confused about his criminal nature.
An outlaw from the good guy – bad guy devoured by personal dilemmas and crushed by the contradictions of ‘craft’. Polar and recurring enthusiast, the actor-author creates a movie that combines hard-boiled codes with drama, sentimental novel with a dose of action and widespread violence of caustic and unexpected humor.
Agitated by class struggle and racial tension, The Night Law does not impose on its strong or personal style, which would have been necessary to escape the inertia of a criminal drama built on the inheritance and vestiges of the great classics of the genre . Immersed in the years of the birth of modern ganglionism, Night Law has its limit in the subject. Smugglers, speakeasy, felt hats, guns, Thompson mittens, betrayal, hate, urban loneliness, femme fatal, the universe is known and iconic to the uttermost. Affleck seems to suffer the submission to Scuderia’s splendor, which he contemplates from afar and approaches him timidly. Without the blow of his predecessors and penalized by the abusive portrayal of the ambitious bad boy from the big heart that struggles, falls, rises, finds a powerful ally, betrays and is betrayed with heart attacks and pistols, Ben Affleck does not add great things to An urban blackout tableau and an outlaw movie monument, a matter of subtle nature from the “Boardwalk Empire” series.