They can be A or B series productions, have a cast of stars or actors on the launch pad, decline in sub/macro genres such as horror or disaster movies, but the premise must always be the same – an idea that stories in a breath and capable of provoking an explosion of curiosity. As in Fall: two free climbers trapped 610 meters high on an abandoned communications tower. It works, right?
The premise is new, the execution less. There are the two opposite characters of Becky (Grace Caroline Currey, whom we will see again in the sequel to Shazam!, Shazam! Fury of the Gods), introverted and controlled, and Hunter (Virginia Gardner, whom we saw in Marvel’s Runaways), spontaneous and nonchalant; outside help represented by his father James (Jeffrey Dean Morgan); the growing tension between the two protagonists; the ingenious attempts to get themselves out of the situation they’re in that fail time and time again. All well calibrated, all punctuated perfectly in terms of timing, narrative and tone turns to be respected in a codified genre like this.