Charlie – Ryan Keira Armstrong – is eleven years old and has a superpower: enormous mental strength, capable of unleashing firestorms. Explosions that arise from emotions. When she feels pain, anger or fear, in a heartbeat, she can start the fire around her. Her father, Zac Efron, has another, different power. He manages to influence the will of others, but at the cost of a tremendous mental effort, which leads him to cry tears of blood. He and his mother – Sydney Lemmon – have spent years constantly on the run, trying to steal their daughter from the aims and laboratory experiments of a government agency. The family lives in fear: the federal organization wants to take the child and continue the experiments. After an episode at school, the family can no longer hide. On his trail there is a murderer. Father and daughter will find themselves fleeing, between the countryside and isolated houses, hunted down...
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